Discipling women in every stage of life

FBCGV Women’s Ministry exists to challenge women to passionately pursue God and reach out to our community.
Our purpose is to disciple and build meaningful relationships with women of all ages.

We delight in extending a hand to women who want ideas to connect in deeper ways with God. You do not have to lead or walk this journey alone!

Ministry Lead: Judy Richey

Women's Ministry 2025


  • Women's Luncheon

    Ladies 14+ you are invited toSpringtime in Our Hearts”, a women's luncheon on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 12:00pm-2:00pm.  Tickets go on sale in the church lobby April 6th for $5 per person.


  • Women Who Live Alone

    Meets the 3rd Saturday of the month, time and place vary   

    Women Who Live Alone are a group of women who encourage each other, uphold each other in prayer, and have fun together.  Meetings are started with a devotion and our intent is encouragement. If you are interested, please give the church office (530-273-7301) a call and we will give you more details. 
    Group Leader: Dolly Gail

  • Quilters With a Mission

    Thursdays, 9:30am - 3:00pm, Lower Fellowship Hall   

    Our Mission is to reach out to our community by making baby quilts to donate to LivingWell Medical Center and Western Sierra Medical Clinic.
    Included with each quilt is a New Testament bible.
    There is a quilt show and sale in the Fall to raise funds for supplies and donation to Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for missions.

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