Welcome to First Baptist Church

The world is longing for hope. We believe that hope is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ, and loving and being loved by His community of followers. Our goal is to infuse the hope of Christ in unexpected ways and help move people into action to live a life transformed.

  • Prayer

    It is our privilege to pray for you. Click here to submit a prayer request. 

  • Online Giving - Donations, Tithes and Offerings

    To give on line, please click here.

    "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver". 2 Cor 9:7

  • Camp Authentic 2024

    July 9-12

    This express day camp is filled with fun, recreation, arts, worship, and a closer look at God's love.  6th-12th Grade students, you don't want to miss Camp Authentic 2024!!

    Secure your spot today! Registration is now open!